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Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Fertility Resolutions

The New Year is under way and many folks have already contemplated their New Year’s resolutions and set goals for 2016. If you and your partner are in the midst of a challenging infertility journey and have not yet made any resolutions for the coming year, it is not too late…



It doesn’t matter whether you have been dealing with infertility for a while or if you are in the beginning stages of working with a reproductive specialist, the following list of resolutions can be used to help you set some or all of your resolutions and goals for the upcoming year. There is no need to choose all of these resolutions. In fact, tackling so many potential resolutions in one year is not recommended. Some of the ones listed, however, may help you cope during a difficult and demanding infertility journey. In addition, several may help you boost your fertility while improving your overall health.



Typically, most people begin their resolution list with health-related goals. These same goals definitely may top the list for those who are fertility-challenged. If you are considering ways to become healthier, one or more of the following could have a place on your resolution list:

Eat Healthier
This could mean eating more fruits and vegetables – the more color on your plate, the better. It also means getting enough protein (low-fat protein, that is). Stop feeding your body foods that have little or no nutritional value.

Limit Your Caffeine and Alcohol Intake
Heavy drinking wreaks havoc on both male and female fertility. Alcohol consumption can also cause significant birth defects, starting in the days right after conception, before you know you are pregnant.

Forget the Smoking Habit
Tobacco will cause a man’s sperm count to drop significantly. For a woman, it also raises the probability of experiencing cervical cancer, tubal pregnancies, and pelvic infections. If you are a smoker, it is never too late to kick the habit!

Get Active and Get Moving
Increase your daily exercise or start a moderate, but regular, exercise program. Exercising in moderation will decrease stress levels, regulate hormones and, if necessary, help lower or maintain your weight; consider taking your dog for a walk, going on a hike, riding your bike to work, or swimming a few laps.

Get More or Better Sleep
Set a bedtime routine and stick with it. Try a sleep app on your phone. Good quality sleep will help you handle stress more effectively.



Other resolutions that may have an impact on the wellbeing of both your mind and body can include the following:

Make Time to Take Care of Your Mental Health
This might include getting regularly scheduled massages, meditation, smiling and laughing more often, and making new friends. It might also include working with a counselor, especially if you have negative thoughts or if you are blaming yourself for infertility issues.

Set Aside Time to Take Care of Your Body
Treat yourself to a day at the spa once in a while. Get a facial or a manicure/pedicure. Try a new hairstyle. Take a healthy cooking class. Participate in a yoga class.

Break Your Routine
Change is often a very good thing! Find a new hobby that can help take your mind off your fertility struggles, or pursue a passion that you really care about. Start volunteering to help others in need.

Find a Support Group (Either in Your Area or Online)
Talk and share your story – there is no need to suffer in silence. Connect with other women and couples who are going through their own infertility journey. It is important to find others who can relate to your current struggles. If you feel more comfortable with the written word, start a blog. No matter how you share your story, it can be a powerful experience and a much needed stress release.

Resolve to Be More Loving with Your Partner

No matter how stressed you are at any given moment, remember that you are both part of this infertility journey. It is often easy to treat those who are closest to us harshly, especially when we are frustrated, stressed, or tired. We may feel safest with those we love, but we should never take them for granted. Remember that an infertility journey is most often a shared journey. Your partner has his/her own struggles, stress, and frustrations to handle. You and your partner can make a shared resolution together to keep the lines of communication open and caring, remaining committed to each other and to your family dreams. Set aside time for each other!



Resolutions can help us make necessary and lasting changes. Make sure that any fertility resolutions you make, or have already made, are both specific and achievable. It takes diligent effort to stick with any New Year’s resolution. Undertaking any one of these fertility-related resolutions will certainly help you along the path of your infertility journey.


The good news is that, by tackling these resolutions starting now, you can improve your chances of conception. If you are having trouble getting pregnant, find a reproductive specialist sooner than later. If you live in the greater southeast area of Texas, the Center of Reproductive Medicine (CORM) can help you achieve your goal of building a family. While you’re working on your New Year’s resolutions, our professional staff will work closely with you to choose the most appropriate fertility treatment to help you overcome the reproductive obstacles in your way.

The New Year is under way and many folks have already contemplated their New Year’s resolutions and set goals for 2016. If you and your partner are in the midst of a challenging infertility journey and have not yet made any resolutions for the coming year, it is not too late…   WHEN TO BEGIN...Read More

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