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The Heartache of Miscarriage

Heartache of Miscarriage

Only someone who has had a miscarriage can truly understand the profound grief that comes with that experience. When a woman realizes that she is pregnant, often there are many emotions that come with the realization that a new life has begun. Many women and their partners feel extreme joy and excitement along with so many wonderful hopes and dreams for the future. When a pregnancy ends abruptly, before the end of the nine months, those beautiful hopes and dreams come to an end as well. Deeply felt, heart-wrenching grief comes with the loss of that precious new life…



When a woman or couple experiences a miscarriage, friends and family often do not know what to say or do. They may try to offer words of comfort by saying something along the lines of, “Don’t worry, you can always try again.” While they are well-meaning, such words do not help someone who has experienced a miscarriage. Most friends and family members do not think about the fact that someone who has lost a baby unexpectedly has lost a special and precious life that will never come back. Both the woman who has lost her baby and her partner need time and space to mourn their loss and to work through their overwhelming grief. The last thing they want to hear are words that don’t acknowledge their loss and heartache and they certainly do not want to immediately consider another pregnancy.



When a pregnancy ends unexpectedly, many women feel like they are alone with no support – no one who can understand the sorrow they feel. Miscarriages are not uncommon, however; statistics show that anywhere from 10 to 15% of all confirmed pregnancies end with a miscarriage. There are a number of reasons why miscarriages occur. Sometimes the cause may be related to other health concerns such as uncontrolled diabetes, hormonal problems, or thyroid disease. Usually pregnancies that end before they reach full term are related to issues with the developing fetus. One example of a developing fetus issue occurs when there are random chromosomal irregularities. When such abnormalities occur, they can prevent the egg from developing into an embryo or they can prevent the normal development of the embryo.



Miscarriages occur fairly often, however multiple consecutive losses are relatively rare. Statistics show that only 5% of women have two back-to-back miscarriages; one percent of women have more than two consecutive miscarriages. Typically, after the first miscarriage, a woman will have a successful pregnancy, carrying her baby to full term.



Women who experience more than one miscarriage should talk to their OB/GYN or a reproductive specialist before considering another pregnancy. A complete medical evaluation can determine medical concerns that may be related to the pregnancy loss; any issues that are found can be addressed before planning another pregnancy. Random chromosomal abnormalities have a clear roll in the inability to carry a baby full term. Sometimes, women who have had multiple miscarriages decide to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). In that scenario, doctors often recommend that the women consider a PGS (pre-implantation genetic screening) of her embryos before the embryo transfer occurs.



If you are pregnant and start to experience vaginal bleeding or abdominal cramps, be sure to call your OB/GYN or seek other medical assistance right away. Once a miscarriage begins, there is little that can be done to stop it from moving forward. Appropriate medical assistance will confirm that the placental material has completely passed, so that you are not at risk of an internal infection.


If you have experienced one or more miscarriages, now is the time to seek assistance from the medical community. Make an appointment with a reproductive specialist today to determine why the miscarriages are happening. If you live in the southeast area of Texas, the Center of Reproductive Medicine has four convenient locations. The experienced doctors and compassionate staff are ready to help you carry a new life all the way to a successful delivery, allowing your hopes and dreams to come true.

Only someone who has had a miscarriage can truly understand the profound grief that comes with that experience. When a woman realizes that she is pregnant, often there are many emotions that come with the realization that a new life has begun. Many women and their partners feel extreme joy and excitement along with so...Read More

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